Monday, December 10, 2007

Hijacking the Jefferson Bible

My sister-in-law responded to my quotes from Jefferson, saying:

I see that you quote Thomas Jefferson, I hear that he edited the Bible, taking out parts that he didn't think were "truth"....If you ever see a copy let me know. That might be interesting reading. I'm sure that there were whole books not included. My grandfather did that, it was amusing, took out whole sections....

I had heard about Jefferson taking scissors to Bible, but it was only recently that I heard of the "Jefferson Bible," the published result. So I went looking for such a book and found it on It appears he threw out all of the Old Testament, and from the New only kept the Gospels. From those he started with the birth of Jesus (not the annunciation), and ended with the death (not resurrection). In between, he removed all hints that Jesus was holy. The customer review section in the second half of the webpage contains a popular review that explains what Jefferson did. This describes Jefferson not as removing the parts of the Bible he didn't like but extracting a summary of the parts he did like.

Below that review is another that says to be very careful which edition you order (and not the paperback version) because it contains a foreword by William Murchison with endorsement by Ralph Reed of the Christian Coalition that claims the Jefferson Bible says exactly opposite of what is actually in the pages! For example, Murchison claims the book is an example of Jefferson's faith, how devoted a Christian he was (he was Deist, not Christian), that Jefferson created the book to demonstrate country was founded on Christian ideals, and that Jefferson disapproved of the separation of Church and State. Quite the hijack!

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