Wednesday, March 5, 2008

A Clear Consensus

Focus on the Family is making the claim that there is a clear consensus among Anthropologists about what makes a family. True. Except they don't agree with Focus on the Family. The site Box Turtle Bulletin works to verify/debunk the anti-gay claims, so they put the FotF statements in front of real anthropologists. Throughout human history the types of social, political, or economic contracts used to form a family unit have varied widely and societies around the world routinely included same-sex couples in those contracts. It was not unusual in some cultures for a man (or a woman) to have multiple marriage contracts. The type of marriage that FotF insists must be the exclusive one has developed over the last 200 years and only accepted as standard in the last 60. Thus the American Anthropological Association strongly condemns marriage protection amendments.

The FotF claim and rebuttal are here.

A more complete rebuttal is here.

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