Friday, February 2, 2018

Who is going to stop him?

That Devin Nunes memo was released today. It has left Melissa McEwan of Shakesville feeling very demoralized.

The Nunes memo accuses the FBI of being biased against the nasty guy. But consider if the memo wasn’t released. People would howl that “the truth” was being hidden (which they’ve been doing for two weeks). That brought out McEwan’s refrain: either way, it doesn’t matter.

Can you prove with logic that the nasty guy’s position is garbage? Cite what laws he is breaking? Point out what his Attorney General is doing wrong? Cool! But it doesn’t matter. Who is going to stop him?

Is the press going to suddenly become responsible? Republicans going to hold the nasty guy accountable and put country over party? They’ve been working towards this moment for at least 20 years, perhaps 30 or 40. Will social media execs value democracy over profits? Will we magically eradicate misogyny that prevent men from listening to women? Women have been sounding the alarm since the nasty guy declared his candidacy about 20 months ago. Will the base turn off Fox News and lay down their guns? Are we really going to have fair midterms despite suppression, gerrymandering, dark money, and Russian meddling?

Even if Democrats win the midterms will there be a peaceful transfer of power?

Those Republicans who aren’t power-hungry are likely compromised. A Dem majority would work to expose GOP crimes. GOP members would likely do some nasty things to prevent that.

You say the Mueller investigation will save us? Even if he’s allowed to complete the investigation and whoever is his boss allows it to be released and the Republicans in Congress act on it, then we get the vice nasty guy, who is just as slimy yet more competent than his boss. And if the GOP boots him too, then we get Paul Ryan or another of the GOP House leadership.

Even if there doesn’t seem to be a way back we must continue to speak against this future.

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