Thursday, May 31, 2018

Cruelty is the point

Melissa McEwan of Shakesville quotes a bit of a Washington Post article about the nasty guy and his order to separate immigrant children from their parents. I mentioned this a few days ago. I notice the Post article keeps referring to families that cross the border illegally. But crossing the border seeking asylum is not illegal! This is a media failure.

I linked to McEwan rather than the Post because she adds an important bit. The Post article says the Department of Health and Human Services, the ones housing and keeping track of the kids, is at 95% capacity and is exploring a “last option” of housing the children on military bases. McEwan says DHHS is doing more than exploring the idea. They will soon make site visits at military installations.

Georgia Logothetis of Daily Kos has gathered a few comments about this policy from various pundits.

From Paul Waldman at The Washington Post:
Amid growing outrage over the Trump administration’s policy of separating children from their parents when families arrive at the border, many are asking how the administration can be so cruel as to literally tear children from their mothers’ arms. There’s a clear answer, one that runs through all of the administration’s policies on immigration:

The cruelty is the whole point.

Catherine Rampell, also of The Washington Post, adds:
For decades, Republicans have championed traditional family values and having parents, rather than the state, take responsibility for their children.

This Republican administration’s inhumane treatment of helpless children — who are ripped from their mothers’ arms, detained in human warehouses and drop-kicked into “foster care or whatever” — reveals such rhetoric to have been a scam.

The Trump administration’s goal is to inflict pain upon these families. Cruelty is not an unfortunate, unintended consequence of White House immigration policy; it is the objective.

After all, if forced separations are sufficiently agonizing, fewer families will try to come here, no matter how dangerous their home countries are. Administration members have argued as much.

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