Friday, May 3, 2019

In violation of “do no harm”

The nasty guy regime has issued new rules that strengthen the case of health care workers and entire hospitals if they want to refuse healthcare services to which they have a religious objection. We know who they have religious objections to – women needing abortions, LGBT – especially the trans people needing reassignment surgery, and other minorities.

Melissa McEwan says it is extremely bad news. And we knew that.

McEwan explained: First the irony of handwringing over having to “take human life” when the purpose of this rule is to refuse to provide life-saving healthcare to those they find distasteful. Second, the rules won’t be applied to religious minorities – unless their objections align with the toxic bigotries of the evangelical Christians the rules are designed to empower. Third, this is in violation of the medical mandate to “do no harm.” She wrote:
If you sign up to be a healthcare provider, you bloody well provide healthcare.

The vile irony of this trash is that asking for on-the-job exemptions from primary duties based on religious beliefs is nothing less than the "special rights" conservatives are incessantly accusing the LGBTQ community, women, and other marginalized populations of seeking.

It's bad enough when it's some asshole who doesn't want to issue marriage certificates to same-sex couples or bake a cake for their wedding, but "conscience clauses" in the field of medicine, where lives depend on people who don't hesitate, who put patients' needs before their own desires, such a willful dereliction of duty is thoroughly contemptible.

It is immoral. It will be deadly.

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