Wednesday, July 1, 2020

He poses a danger and they’ve done nothing

Alex Bolton tweeted Moscow Mitch’s warning to Democrats to not change the filibuster rules. Yeah, these are the same rules that he skillfully wielded when the Dems controlled the Senate to prevent lots of things from happening. Wrote Bolton:
McConnell warns Democrats “ought to take a pause and think about whether they really think it’s a good idea for the country to put the one institution that guarantees that America stayed in the middle of the road into the same place as the House.”

Kos of Daily Kos responded that the Senate is not currently in the middle of the road and hasn’t been since Mitch (and John Boehner) have been leading it. Kos also explains that the wording Mitch used only makes sense if he believed Democrats will take the Senate and presidency in November.

Hunter of Kos discusses a report that several national security advisors conclude the nasty guy is a danger to the country. Hunter wrote:
The news that seemingly all of Trump's most celebrated national security officials believed him to be "delusional" and a "danger to the national security of the United States" based on his behavior, and cite his "unfitness" for the presidency "on grounds of temperament and incompetence," is shocking. Not because they believe so: Each of these conclusions can be reached from Trump's own bizarre public behaviors. But because each one of these top officials believes Trump to pose a danger to the nation and has done absolutely nothing about it.

In another post Hunter discussed that the Supreme Court swept aside restrictions on the method of execution in federal cases. William Barr, head of the Department formerly known as Justice, announced that after a 17-year pause executions would resume. Wrote Hunter:
Barr's eagerness to resume state-sponsored killings is unsurprising, given his conservatism, his well-known religious fervor, and his seeming obsession with the same tenets of authoritarian rule that have governed all other dealings. It is likely he wants to be able to execute people before the November elections, to give "tough on crime" conservatives a little pick-me-up helping to justify reelecting a "delusional" idiot manchild.

Then Hunter discussed the proper use of the death penalty. It should only be used as a deterrent. It isn’t a deterrent to violent crime. But perhaps the death penalty would be a deterrent to to fabulously wealthy corporate executives whose illegally dumped toxins kill off a thousand people.

Or we could be a society with an obsession with “just” violence, including the police, the military, gun hoarders, and militias.
Movie posters and plots use pistols and rifles and explosions as visual shorthand for alpha male. Law-and-order suburbanites and delusional presidents demand violence against those that would deface bronze statues, because we cannot become a country that would tolerate that.

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