Thursday, January 17, 2008

Disgrace and Ridicule

Huckabee's call to update the constitution to God's standards got a response on the Christianity Today blog site. The main posting asks:

But what does "amend the Constitution so it's in God's standards" mean? Does it mean that the Constitution does not measure up to God's standards? Is the Constitution anti-God? Would the addition of a human life amendment and a federal marriage amendment would make it measure up to God's standards? And is Huckabee suggesting that those who oppose these amendments, say, because of their views on federalism, are trying "to change God's standards"?

One of the comments after the posting declares Huck isn't a Christian because he says one thing to Evangelicals and another thing to the regular public:

Christians, above all others, should speak honestly and plainly letting their yeas be yea, their nays be nay (Matthew 5:37, James 5:12) lest the cause of Christ be disgraced and ridiculed.

And the cause of Christ is certainly being ridiculed these days.

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