Sunday, January 27, 2008

How many times must I tell you?

The Center for Public Integrity and the Fund for Independence in Journalism decided to take a look at one particular set of lies by the Bushies. In the two years leading up to the Iraq war, they counted the number of lies that supported the war that appeared in speeches, briefings, interviews, and other venues. The tally: 935. Note this is not a count of different lies. The count includes the lie that Iraq was developing weapons of mass destruction, which was repeated 532 times. Say a lie often enough and people will start to believe it. The cost of this lying: 110,000 people killed (only about 4000 of them are American), 300,000 casualties and $2.5 trillion in direct costs. We have yet to see the costs of caring for wounded soldiers. This posting attributes a lot more consequences to these lies, but I'm not sure how to pin a doubling of gas prices since Clinton left office to this set of lies. Surely, there were other lies. So why aren't we hearing more about this tally? Mainstream Media were complicit in propagating the lies and can't bring themselves to admit it. Democrats, who have controlled Congress for a year now, have wimped out. They have declared that trying to uncover Bush's lies creates too much tension in various Congressional committees.

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