Monday, April 21, 2008

Arguments don't work

From the Reconciling Ministries Network General Conference blog come these thoughts: Why haven't all our wonderful, theologically sound messages about inclusion convinced the denomination (or the whole Christian church) that gays should be fully a part of the denomination. The short answer is fear. The long answer spells out these fears:

Fear of homosexuals, including fear of AIDS, and fear of damage to children. These fears are lessening as gay visibility improves and we can no longer be broadly dehumanized.

Fear that welcoming gays will destroy the institution of the church. But isn't the church dying under the current principles of inclusion? This is why we must make sure each world region can set its own guidelines. Lets see what happens when gays are included. On a small scale that has already happened. Inner city churches, such as one in Houston, have revived due to their inclusion of gays. But some in power are more interested in the health of the institution rather than in the message of Christ.

A commenter says each side feels they have studied the Bible in detail and engaged in honest prayer, reflection, and argument. Each side sees fear mongering and hatred, loyalty to an agenda, and tactics that are underhanded, dishonest, and manipulating people's emotions. One wonders how both can make that claim.

1 comment:

  1. Fear of homosexuals in specific and of sex in general. There is plenty of fear of heterosexuals and the sex acts that they perform. The main difference is that homosexuals tend to receive the worst punishments in the Christian religion.
