Sunday, May 11, 2008

Generation split among Evangelicals too

It appears there is a young/old divide within the Evangelical church on how to treat gays as there is in the wider society. American Public Media's "Speaking of Faith" had a panel discussion (which I did not listen to) featuring 3 generations of Evangelicals (the oldest one being Chuck Colson). Though none of them approve of homosexuality there is a striking difference in their view of the issue. Colson is doctrinaire (dogmatic?). The younger men see it differently. Both warn against hard-edge judgmentalism. One wonders why Evangelicals shout so much about gays and downplay their own sins (like divorce) and notes their reputation for homophobia is well earned. Even Jesus ministered to prostitutes rather than passing laws against them. The other asks what kind of place has the church become if it can't minister to gays (perhaps admitting that they aren't even following their own not very loving "love the sinner, hate the sin" mantra?). The Evangelical political style has become too mean. Even if the teachings don't change the generational shift in tone is wonderful. They don't need change in theology to stop blowing homosexuality out of proportion.

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