Sunday, May 18, 2008

The Republican Plan for 2012

The GOP is running scared this year, at least according to Peggy Noonan (speech writer for Reagan) in a column in the Wall Street Journal. They're like deer during hunting season, listening for twigs snapping. So, of course, they are working on a game plan for 2012 and you won't be surprised at all with what's in it -- blame all the national problems on the Democrats. It will be easier than you might think because the Bush mess is so big nobody will be able to fix it fast enough to please the general public. And if that president is Obama they can toss in some cheap racism -- See! I told you it would be a disaster to have a black as president!


  1. I agree that is most likely the plan. A friend and I were discussing the next presidency a few months back. I suggested to him that Hillary may be biting off more than she thinks because Bush had screwed up so bad whoever took over would have a difficult time righting the economy and would probably be tossed in the next election.

    However, I think with Obama there is at least a chance of it working out for him. The economic state of the country is a combination of the right controls in place coupled with the right psychology. If people feel good about themselves and their country, then they'll free up cash and the economy will work itself through whatever mess it's in. Reagan was a good example of that happening (though, the economic turn around benefited mostly the upper class, but that's been true of every presidency since Nixon - see David Kay Johnston's books on that topic). Obama, with his message of optimism, is very much like Reagan in that sense.

  2. A friend wrote:

    You know, I was talking with a friend about Hillary vs. Obama type stuff and the words for this feeling finally came to me. If Obama becomes President I'd worry for him because of the expectations other will place on him. Whatever happens if/while he is the President, I'm not sure his performance will be fairly evaluated or analysed, certainly not by the "average" person. People expect a miracle and that's not pulled off very frequently.
