Monday, August 25, 2008

On the front lines of evolution education

A report about a sophomore biology teacher in Florida trying to teach evolution. He was instrumental in changing the law there to mandate evolution and in getting the statewide teaching standards set up. When charged that he left out Intelligent Design he quipped that he also left out that the moon is made of green cheese. Yet, he is very aware that most of his students are from fundamentalist churches and might easily tune him out. But their mistrust of evolution affects their understanding of the basic power of science to explain things. Without the state requirement teachers would get complaints from parents. He proceeds by drawing a sharp line between what science is supposed to answer and what it isn't -- science cannot prove or disprove God. He makes clear he doesn't expect his students to believe evolution, but to understand it. The article implies that churches insist on creationism because of the implications on morality. But that prompts my questions: How is a moral code different when it is backed by creationism? And is such a moral code better for the society?

Alas, you must be a registered user of NYTimes (though free) to read beyond the first page.

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