Sunday, November 28, 2010

Divided at the dinner table

Lisa Miller in Newsweek takes a look at how we are divided by what we eat. Those who are not poor, who are food secure, have access to fresh and healthy food (grown by poor farmers who struggle with earning a living through organic farming). We make choices based on what is best for ourselves and for the earth as a whole. Those who are food insecure, the ones whose money might run out before the end of the month, don't have access to fresh and make choices based on what it the most filling for the lowest price instead of what is healthy. Their food is grown and processed by rich agriculture conglomerates. Because of this the food insecure tend towards the high calorie foods and have a much higher rate of obesity. This divide between what the secure and insecure eat has grown as the income gap has widened. America, with a high income gap, also has a high rate of obesity. Japan has low income equality and has much thinner people.

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