Friday, March 1, 2013

The only reason is prejudice

I have a bit more on the "eight-state solution" I mentioned yesterday. Essentially what Obama and the Justice Dept. are saying that if a state has civil unions that are equivalent to marriage in everything but name then there is no reason against gays getting married. Bad for children? Already answered with civil unions, no different for marriage. Therefore the only reason to deny the word marriage is prejudice, which is not a permissible reason for a law.

In addition to this argument for marriage equality the Obama brief in the Calif. gay marriage case Obama is saying states have a right to define marriage. Even so, much of the logic in this brief applies to states with an outright ban.

Another important brief was written by the American Sociological Association. It takes a stern look at the study by Mark Regnerus, saying it doesn't support the conclusions Regnerus and the anti-gay crowd claim it does. This is a significant smackdown of a paper the anti-gays have been waiving around as "proof" that gays are nasty parents.

Rachel Maddow paid a visit to Jon Stewart. They day before she had been in the Supreme Court chambers when the challenge to the Voting Rights Act was argued. She talks about what she saw. In part 2 of the interview the two talk about the budget cutting that is happening and about a party that doesn't believe gov't should work so makes sure it can't. Each part is about 7-8 minutes.

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