Thursday, July 11, 2013

A plan for the big push

Freedom to Marry has released a 30-month action plan so that at least 50% of Americans are living in states with marriage equality by 2016. New York and Calif. mean there a good ways towards that goal already. But they probably need another 10 states.

The first part of the plan is to put serious money behind the state-by-state push. As part of that they hired the guy who led Minnesota to their recent win. They are working to make Hawaii, Illinois, New Jersey, and Oregon happen by the end of next year. Then they aiming for six of these nine -- Arizona, Colorado, Michigan (yay!), Nevada, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Virginia -- by 2016.

The second part of the plan is the Respect for Marriage Act, which repeals the rest of DOMA and fixes any problems left behind from the Supreme's ruling. Freedom to Marry already has 42 Senators and 161 Representatives lined up.

And part 3 is to get public opinion to support marriage equality to over 60% by 2016. The message will be refined through the latest research and be available through a central communication hub. Messengers will include individuals and programs such as Mayors for the Freedom to Marry (currently at 350 in 35 states, aiming for 500 from 50 states by the end of the year), a program for Young Conservatives, and another for Latinos.

The total cost to finish the job (which I take to be all 50 states) to be more than $100 million and Freedom to Marry aims to raise a quarter of that.

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