Saturday, March 21, 2015

My bigotry is bigger

My friend and debate partner responded to one of my posts on the same-sex marriage circus in Alabama by writing, "The 2016 primaries could feature the many Republican 'presidential' candidates having a 'my bigotry is bigger than your bigotry' fight." I wrote back saying it isn't "could" but "will." My example is Ted Cruz.

But it looks like that comment should leave out the word "presidential." Pastor Rick Scarborough has created a pledge that says signers are so completely against same-sex marriage they will refuse to obey any ruling by the Supremes (and, somehow, Obama), even if it means they'll go to jail. Scarborough says there are Congressmen lining up to sign, along with lots of Fundie pastors.

I can understand the sincerity of a signature to this pledge if it is from a florist or cake baker. And I can see a pastor getting in trouble if he also runs a hospital and ordered to provide marriage benefits to same-sex couples. But a Congressman? Even if there is a plausible scenario, I can't see any of them willing to go to jail for any beliefs.

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