Monday, June 11, 2018


Way back in May of last year I wrote:
This morning Melissa McEwan of Shakesville made an important point. We know Clinton’s emails were hacked and Russians were using what they found to discredit her and influence the election. It is likely that the nasty guy was hacked too, though harmful details weren’t divulged.

But looking at the GOP obfuscation when Sally Yates went before a Senate hearing makes McEwan wonder. How many senators have been hacked? How many of them are compromised? A couple of those senators, Lindsay Graham and Ted Cruz, were candidates for president. Were they hacked as Clinton was and are they now compromised?

Which means the leaders of the Senate investigation, the ones trying to find out if the nasty guy is compromised, may also be compromised.

At the end of last year into this year McEwan discussed the ties between Russia and the NRA (I didn’t share her ideas). Today, Peter Stone and Greg Gordon of McClatchy are reporting that a great deal of Russian money was given to the NRA. And a great deal of NRA money was spent to elect the nasty guy and GOP members of Congress. We begin to see how members of Congress were compromised. McEwan asks:
There has been a lot of public musing about how owned by Russia average GOP congress members are. Well, we know that they're owned by the NRA. The question we need to be asking at this point is: Are they, in fact, owned by Russia via the NRA?
Stone and Gordon say it also looks like a great deal of money also flowed from the Russian Orthodox Church to American Evangelicals, who firmly supported the nasty guy and the GOP. And it looks like the vice nasty guy got the job because of this Orthodox influence.

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