Sunday, June 10, 2018

This is not acceptable

This should not be OK. Melissa McEwan of Shakesville shares a tweet form Georgy Cohen that includes a photo taken in a kindergarten classroom of a poster with the words of a lockdown song. We teach the littlest students the ABCs through song. It looks like we now teach them what to do in a lockdown using song.

McEwan also shares tweets from Sarah Wine-Thyre about her 6th grade daughter’s scary experience in a lockdown.

McEwan summarizes
This is the life that a significant portion of the population and virtually the entire governing party, including the sitting president and vice-president, have decided is acceptable for children in this nation.

I cannot begin to fathom the heart and mind of a person who finds any of that okay.

McEwan comments on news that various welfare programs are going to be consolidate into the Department of Health and Human Service. And the DHHS will likely be renamed Department of Welfare. McEwann explains:
"Welfare" is a word designed to invite contempt. "Welfare" is a perfectly fine word that aptly describes one of the primary functions of a compassionate government that genuinely believes in supporting life, liberty, and happiness. But it has been stigmatized in this country. And trust that Team Trump know that. They will use the contempt it invites as one piece of a broader justification of austerity programs that will hasten the divide of the Two Americas. This is very worrying.

I’ve mentioned how the press has been enabling the nasty guy. Here’s an example. The headline from a New York Times article:
Trump and His Lawyers Embrace a Vision of Vast Executive Power.
Avi Ahvee tweets that news outlets should stop making it look like we are having “quaint political discussions” and offers a more accurate headline:
Trump, Ignoring Rule of Law and Precedent, Argues He Alone Is Above the Law.

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