Sunday, December 16, 2018

One single cup of water

I recently had brunch with some of my fellow volunteers in our campaign to end gerrymandering in Michigan. Part of the lame duck session of the Michigan legislature is a bill to “clarify” the constitutional amendment we passed. Some see it as a rather benign bill (though not completely so) into which a whole bunch of amendments can be attached just before final passage. A fellow volunteer suggested another possibility – simply get the amendment tied up in court so that it can’t be implemented in 2020 to draw new districts for the 2022 election.

Michael Cohen has been in the news because of his sentencing for crimes done on behalf of the nasty guy that are traitorous to our country. Cohen sat down with George Stephanopoulos for an interview, which contained this nugget:
One of the hopes that I have out of the punishment that I've received, as well as the cooperation that I have given, I will be remembered in history as helping to bring this country back together.
Twitter user fonticulus translates:
I know I helped set your house on fire, but I hope I’ll be remembered in history as a guy who brought you one single cup of water to put the fire out after it was a blazing inferno.
Melissa McEwan of Shakesville adds:
It's really something that this traitorous drip imagines for a single nanosecond that he might be remembered in a positive way, because he got caught breaking the law while he was helping steal an election for a sadistic crook, then lied to investigators about it, then got caught in that lie, then ratted out all the felonious clowns in his orbit in exchange for leniency because he is every bit as craven as he is corrupt.

Looking over the current state of the nasty guy presidency – the corruption (see Michael Cohen, above) and support for racists (see Mexican border) – and it seems much of the elite political press is finally saying, “Wha…?” For example, on Thursday the New York Times published a piece titled The Rise of Right-Wing Extremism, and How We Missed It.

Twitter exploded, “we” didn’t miss anything. You did.

Charles Pierce, writing for Esquire expands on that. We’ve been watching the rise of extremism on the right for 30 years now – bombings of gay bars and women’s health clinics, their spewings on radio and television, the militarization of our police, the racist campaign of the nasty guy, and lots more.

And now with a budget bill and a threatened government showdown looming and the political press is urging “compromise.”

“We” didn’t miss anything. We’ve been watching very closely.

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