Friday, February 29, 2008

Liberalism is a mental disorder!

Dr. Lyle Rossiter, a "top psychiatrist," has declared liberalism a mental disorder! Without much to back it up he makes claims that Liberalism:

* Creates and reinforces perceptions of victimization.

* Satisfies infantile claims to entitlement.

* Rejects the sovereignty of the individual, subordinating him to the will of the government.

A blogger asked readers for a rebuttal. They say that conservatism:

* Uses fraudulent data to incite fear.

* Creates and reinforces perceptions of victimization (Affirmative Action, Families under attack, Christianity under attack).

* Satisfies infantile claims to entitlement (reduced taxes on the rich, why should I pay for someone else's health care?).

* Rejects the sovereignty of the individual by claiming dissent is treason (but when did this become a psychological disorder?).

* Insists a woman can't be trusted with her own body and needs a man to make decisions for her.

* Insists practitioners of all other religions, by the fact they exist, are persecuting them.

* Discourages independent thinking, insisting Biblical claims trump all others.

* Enforce conformity of thinking.

* Demonize those not like themselves, such as gays, and Latino immigrants, as threats to civilization without adequate explanation or as a way to sustain a claim to moral superiority.

* Reduce complex politics to superficial one-liners.

The definition of psychiatric "disorder" is something that inhibits one from living peaceably in society. I'll let you decide if that fits liberal or conservative. Perhaps Dr. Rossiter is projecting his views of himself and his kind onto his opposition -- a frequent tactic.

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