Friday, October 23, 2009

Cowering before toothless tigers

The last election cleaned out most potent GOPs, starting with the Prez and veep and on through both the Senate and House. Yeah, there are many GOP members in Congress making a lot of noise, but they're a toothless bunch right now.

So what's with the Dems? That's the question from Jonathan Alter of Newsweek. They seem to be fighting the last war, in which one is careful not to give the GOP ammunition. They have succumbed to GOP ways of thinking -- selling out to corporate interests and believing everything the Pentagon says is what must be done.

The example of health care: The goal isn't a bill, but to get insurance to more people and to control the cost of premiums. If the current effort doesn't do those things it is the Dems who will get blamed and properly so.

It may have made sense to back off a public option when the bill itself is in doubt. However, Congress watchers are confident some sort of bill will be passed. Now is the time to come out from under the shadow of Bush and actually do what we elected them to do.

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