Monday, August 2, 2010

It may be a baby step, but it's in the right direction

I'm sure my friend and debate partner, who grew up Jewish, will correct me if I get parts of this story wrong. Orthodox Jews believe strongly the Torah prohibits gay sex with harsh penalties. Put another way if an Orthodox community or rabbi permits gay sex among its members then they cease to be Orthodox.

So it is quite heartening for dozens of Orthodox rabbis have issued a statement on how gays are to be treated. It seems to go as far as their faith allows them to go. Some of the dozen points in the statement:

* Embarrassing, harassing or demeaning someone with a homosexual orientation or same-sex attraction is a violation of Torah prohibitions that embody the deepest values of Judaism.

* We affirm the religious right of those with a homosexual orientation to reject therapeutic approaches they reasonably see as useless or dangerous.

* Jews with homosexual orientations or same sex-attractions should be welcomed as full members of the synagogue and school community.

* Jews who have an exclusively homosexual orientation should, under most circumstances, not be encouraged to marry someone of the other gender, as this can lead to great tragedy, unrequited love, shame, dishonesty and ruined lives.

Alas, the statement includes a strong distinction between orientation and behavior -- gay orientation is OK but actual gay sex is still banned. Gays can still be banned from holding religious offices. And, of course, gay commitment ceremonies are banned.

Even so, it is a step in the right direction, a step I'd like to see Fundie Christian denominations take.

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