Saturday, January 14, 2012

The only sin being celebrated

Timothy Kincaid of Box Turtle Bulletin has noticed a change in Exodus, the leading organization that promoted ex-gay therapy. It is a change in what Alan Chambers, President of Exodus, has been saying. That gives Kincaid hope that Exodus won't work so hard to demonize gay people and spiritually abuse them while trying to make them not gay.

The posting's commenters weren't buying it. They said that the only change is Alan Chambers is getting much better and more nuanced in public relations. And if Chambers really has changed there are a lot of ways he can prove it -- starting with admitting all the harm Exodus has done over the last few decades.

Jim Burroway, fellow author on BTB pulled out a counter example, writings of Mike Goeke. He is on the Exodus Board of Directors and wrote an op-ed just this past week in the Baptist Press. Goeke says that homosexuality is worse than any other sin because:

* It is the only sin being celebrated. What other sin has a pride parade? There are no greed parades, people proudly claiming to be gossips, or proudly claiming to be promiscuous.

* It is the only sin with an accepted theology built around it.

That's why it is a threat to civilization (well, a threat to the church, which in his theology is the same thing as civilization).

The words of Goeke seriously undermine what Kincaid thinks Chambers is saying. Or Exodus board meetings will soon be getting very interesting.

Again, commenters have a lot so say.

Kincaid responds to Goeke (not Burroway) by saying Ticker Tape Parades have been held for greedy people, the entire tabloid industry is made up of proud gossips, there are indeed organizations devoted to fat pride (gluttony), and liars openly gather in local bars and on TV. Another notes there is a greed pride going on now: the GOP nominating process. There is mayhem that occurs at big stores every Black Friday and there are contests about who can eat the most.

Commenter Theo notes the purpose of Exodus is (1) to show gay people can become straight and thus ineligible for civil-rights protections, and (2) to justify anti-gay punitive measures.

I've been ready with the argument: "You think gay people can change? Have you checked the success rate of Exodus?" That information is hard to find, for a reason. At times Exodus has claimed a 1/3 success rate (though highly disputed). Chambers now admits to a 0.1% success rate (which includes himself).

Theo notes that Bryan Fischer of National Organization for Marriage has said the success rate doesn't matter. As long as one person has changed it means change is possible and thus gays can't be protected from discrimination. The rest just weren't trying hard enough or simply refused to change. One successful conversion (even if a bisexual deciding to follow his/her straight side) justifies Fischer being a bully.

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