Friday, May 1, 2015

Wars have casualties

In other news:

A woman who is a member of the Satanic Temple in Missouri is challenging the state's 72-hour waiting period for abortions. She says the waiting period is an "unnecessary burden" on her religious belief that her body is subject to her will alone. Her statements echo what Hobby Lobby successfully used before the Supremes.

Ragen of the blog Dances with Fat has an issue with the "War on Obesity" that seems to be raging through the medical community. As with other types of wars, there are casualties. That includes such things as dying from an overdose of diet pills and suffering from complications from weight loss surgery. In that second case the woman was healthy and with a reasonable weight for her height. But the doctor scared her into having the surgery anyway. Ragen says:
We must end this war. These casualties are completely unnecessary and we could stop them today. We could understand that weight and health are two separate things that are both complicated, not an obligation or barometer of worthiness, not entirely within our control, and not guaranteed under any circumstances, and then we could be for creating access to food and movement options for everyone, instead of against fat bodies.

Rep. Cecil Bell of the Texas House has a plan that was passed by the House State Affairs Committee. His bill would ban the use of public funds to license or recognize same-sex marriages, even if a court demanded such recognition. But if the Supremes rule in our favor and if someone follows Bell's idea there will be sanctions and perhaps jail. Except not for Bell, who will gain points for causing a stink.

Hillary had a great comeback line:
I think it's worth noting that Republicans seem to be talking only about me. I don't know what they'd talk about if I weren't in the race.

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