Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Gender does matter

So that Iowa thing happened yesterday. Trump was beaten out by Cruz, who isn't any better and Rubio pulled off a strong third, and he isn't any better either (not that the GOP crowd had such a person). At least Carson and Huckabee have decided to go home. We won't miss you.

On the Dem side Bernie and Hillary are almost tied. And O'Malley has gone home. Bye!

Only 9 months to go!

A big part of Bernie's spiel is income inequality and what he would do about it. A few days ago he was introduced at an event by Susan Sarandon, who said, "I'm here because gender is not what's important, the issues are important."

Melissa McEwen of Shakesville disagrees.
You can't talk about income inequality, as but one of a million examples, and say gender doesn't matter, when the means by which income equality is enacted against women is different than how it is enacted against men.

And how it is enacted against women of color is different than how it is enacted against white women. And how it is enacted against trans women is different than how it is enacted against cis women. And black trans women vs. white trans women. And all the other identities that overlap with womanhood: Queer women, women with disabilities, fat women, etc.

Each of these groups are economically marginalized in very specific (and demonstrable) ways, explicitly on the basis of our particular identities.

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