Sunday, April 23, 2017

Thank a scientist

Yesterday, there was a March for Science in 600 cities across the country and around the world, including Neumayer Station, Antarctica. They protested the general GOP attitude of science and, in particular, cuts to such gov’t agencies as the Environmental Protection Agency and the National Institutes of Health. I didn’t get to the one in Detroit. Leave it to scientists to come up with cool and nerdy chants and signs. If these don’t make sense, you need to brush up on your science.

I heard this chant on the radio this morning:
“What do we want?”
“Science based policy!”
“When do we want it?”
“After peer review!”

Some of the other posters I saw here, here, here, and here.

“Think like a proton and stay positive.”

“Mr. President, I know bacteria more cultured.”

Over a picture of the Capitol Dome using a line from the movie *The Martian*: “We need to Science the Sh* out of this.”

“Alternative facts = square root of -1.”

Schrödinger’s cat grabs back.”

Tungsten, Thorium, Fluorine – “W Th F, the element of outraged disbelief.”

Beside a drawing of the earth as seen from space: “I’m with her.”

“S.T.E.M. the lies!”

“In Peer Review We Trust.”

“Hey Trump – Think you can stifle science? Ask Galileo how that worked out!”

“Make earth cool again.”

“Alternative facts are not statistically significant.”

“Got plague? Yeah, me neither. Thank a scientist.”

A child in a stroller: “Remember polio? Neither do I. Thanks, Science.”

“So bad, even introverts are here.”

“I can’t believe I’m protesting for reality.”

Below an image of Einstein: “Science cuts make me relatively angry!”

“Grab ’em by the Data.”

And I’ll close with a wordy one:
First they came for the scientists and the National Park Service said, “lol, no” and went rogue and we were all like, “I was not expecting the park rangers to lead the resistance. None of the dystopian novels I’ve read prepared me for this.”

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