Thursday, April 25, 2019

Obligated to proceed from this premise

Some recent commentary on impeachment:

In response to an article that the nasty guy is filing suit against the leadership of the House Oversight Committee in hopes of slowing their investigation of him, Philippe Reines tweeted:
Those who think relying on oversight is satisfactory should reconsider. Trump is stonewalling every House request & subpoena. Now he’s suing Elijah Cummings.

The choice between an ugly impeachment vs calm oversight is a false one. It’ll be ugly no matter.

Note: it’s easier for trump to stymie oversight efforts using government & personal lawyers.

But his impeachable offenses involve individuals never in government. Hard & costly for them to fight subpoenas.

Example: Don Jr. & Stone would have to pay for a legal fight themselves.

Twitter user STOP tRumpnado wrote a thread about the impeachment process. Excerpts:
The Impeachment Process: Some Democrats have been using the excuse that Senate Republicans & especially Mitch McConnell would not vote to impeach as a reason not to begin a House Impeachment Inquiry. This is just flat out wrong & here is why.

First, an Impeachment Inquiry is not a vote in the House to Impeach. It is an official investigation into the conduct of the Trump regime. How can you decide if all of his offenses rise to the level of Impeachment if you have not conducted a proper investigation?

The most important point is duty. It is the US House of Representatives duty to follow the US Constitution & their oath of office. They can not read the redacted Mueller report & have witness with their own eyes & ears the corruption, abuse of power & treason and not impeach.

Impeachment by the US House us analogous to a grand jury indictment, instructing the Senate to conduct a trial. But it is up to the US House to conduct the investigation & present the evidence, in very public detail to the US Senate, to make their best case for an Impeachment conviction.

But if the US House sends a very detailed indictment via Impeachment to the US Senate, and Mitch McConnell chooses to ignore all of the evidence & hold a mockery of a trial, to shuck his duty as a sworn member of the US Senate, despite a mountain of evidence then let the voters decide in 2020 whether their Republican Senators represent them, or whether they are traitors allied with Vladimir Putin & Donald Trump & no longer loyal to the United States, our Constitution, our laws & the people who they are supposed to serve.

If the United States Senate chooses to conduct a sham trial & ignore all the evidence, and every single one of the articles of impeachment, they will do it publicly, with the entire country watching and knowing how serious a betrayal of our Republic & the people it is.

But most important impeachment fact is that Mitch McConnell would NOT preside over the Impeachment trial of Don Trump in the US Senate Per Article 1 Section 3 Clause 6 of the US Constitution, Chief Justice John Roberts will preside over Trump's trial.

Melissa McEwan of Shakesville quoted Greg Sargent at the Washington Post who spoke to Philip Bobbit, a constitutional scholar at Columbia University and co-author of Impeachment: A Handbook.
Bobbitt now believes it's "plausible" that Trump committed impeachable offenses and that the House of Representatives is obligated to proceed from this premise.
McEwan summarizes Sargent’s explanations this way:
Trump's obstruction to protect his own hide has also impeded investigation into Russia's subversion of the integrity of our elections — and *that* is an impeachable offense.

Separately, McEwan tweeted:
That so much of the discussion around impeachment centers around whether it's politically expedient instead of whether it's just fully the right thing to do given the circumstances is honestly a perfect, terrible example of why, in large part, we're now in this predicament.

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