Friday, July 26, 2019

Just another political tactic

The nasty guy wanted to put a citizenship question on the 2020 census forms. The Supreme Court stopped him. But wait! There’s more! The Census Bureau routinely creates and tests census forms to see how well they work before running the real thing. The nasty guy minions will ask about a quarter million (selectively targeted) households to fill out a test form. Seeing the citizenship question on the test form will likely trick some immigrant families into believing the same question made it onto the real form. And they’ll be less likely to fill out either form.

Georgia Logothetis of the Daily Kos community highlighted a little bit from Laurence Tribe of Newsweek. Tribe says the writers of the Constitution wisely added the impeachment mechanism because sometimes things have to be done within a four-year cycle. So the strategy that Speaker Nancy Pelosi is using – that voters will “impeach” the nasty guy by voting him out of office –
is not just wishful thinking but smacks of the very logic that the framers wisely rejected when they provided Congress with this surgical tool for protecting constitutional democracy and the rule of law between elections and not just every four years.

Twitter user UnidentifiedSource describes circles of hell around the nasty guy. In the inner ring are those willing to help the nasty guy murder someone.

One ring out are those who would never murder, but would help chop up a body. They consider themselves morally superior to those in the inner ring.

One ring out are those who would never chop up a body but would help hide a body. They also consider themselves morally superior to those in inner rings.

The rings widen with those who would do all they can to avoid finding out if there is a body, those who declare the nasty guy deserves privacy and nobody should search for a body. They also feel morally superior to those in inner rings. And:
Surrounding all of this are those who believe that if the answer to a question is 50, and the Democratic position is that the answer is 49.998 and the GOP position is that the answer is “a mayonnaise filled electric eel” then “Clearly BOTH sides are wrong.”

These are the folks who feel that if you would rather not be beaten to death with a baseball bat, the only compromise permitted is for you to allow yourself to be instead beaten half to death.

I think this is a blurb from the New York Times:
These Michigan Voters Show Why Trump’s ‘Go Back’ Strategy May Work
* As President Trump presses his attacks against four women of color in Congress, many conservative voters in Port Huron, Mich., are embracing his message.
* They said they did not see it as racist, expressing their own misgivings about the women and voicing support for Mr. Trump’s re-election.
Oliver Willis tweeted a thread in response. Here’s part of it:
This is how you normalize open racism. Just treat it -- one of the worst things you can do in our society -- like its just another political tactic. Like appealing to soccer moms or black union workers.

What @nytpolitics and @patrickhealynyt refuse to understand -- or care about -- is that this does harm to people in this country. it is not weighing in on one side or another for the ny times to be against racism. by writing stories like this, the ny times takes a side. w hate.

Race + gender + sexual identity aren't just a bunch of issues good people can disagree on like - taxation, property rights, etc. they are fundamental to our existence. if you're against racial equality, gender equality you oppose my right to exist in this world and country.

A tweet from Anna Kruk Corbin
I just told someone that some people are so poor, they can't afford to get jobs.

He laughed.

But I wasn't kidding.

Gas money, child care expenses, and lack of clothing to meet dress code requirements are often barriers to employment for low income individuals.

Now you know.
A response from drowning in books
I used to work with low income students. The commute for many was 2 hrs on buses. I lived further away but I had a car so—only 30 mins.

Some people think, oh “they” just need to work harder. What “they” need is better transportation, higher wages, child care help — and empathy.

Anna is the mother of Jackson Corbin. He’s a 13 year old health care advocate because he has a medical condition that would kill him if he didn’t have health insurance. His Twitter account has a tweet at the top that includes his testimony in support of keeping the Affordable Care Act. He wonders why the GOP wants to replace the ACA with something that protects preexisting conditions (like his) when the ACA already does that.

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