Sunday, November 3, 2019

150 million climate refugees

Yesterday, my handbell ensemble took part in a handbell event in the little town of Eaton Rapids, Michigan. It is south of Lansing and about an 80 minute drive from our rehearsal home near Detroit. We went there because that’s where our director lives and has a church musician job, so it is where she hosts this event. While there we taught classes (I taught one of them), participated in the massed ringing concert, and performed three pieces by ourselves. The concert went very well. Afterward our director invited us to her home for supper.

That meant I went to bed early Friday night and was rather tired on Saturday night, so no writing on either night. I’m glad I had the extra hour of sleep (and actually used it for sleeping).

So catching up on news…

Meteor Blades wrote a pundit roundup for Daily Kos. He included an excerpt from an article written by George Goehl in the New York Times titled If Progressives Don’t Try to Win Over Rural Areas, Guess Who Will.

Short answer by Goehl:
I’ve been organizing for 20 years in rural communities and have never seen this level of public activity by white supremacist groups.

Joan McCarter of Daily Kos notes it appears that the nasty guy and his BFF Moscow Mitch have made a deal that the articles of impeachment from the House will be “dead on arrival in the Senate.”

Twitter user umairh tweeted:
The Dems need to put American collapse in a global frame and point out hard right economics led America to become a poor country. But they don’t do that. They buy into the idea they have to justify things to the right, not that the right has to justify things to reality.
Sarah Kendzior responded:
The majority of Americans have spent their entire life in a dead economic fantasy. Or to be more accurate, a murderous fantasy, one that already took a toll on the post-boomer generations and will take its greatest toll on today's children.
Replygubbe added:
Capitalism played an important role in making communism fail. Now it seems to be a tool in the hand of forces trying to break down democracy.

Jacob Ward tweeted a link to a new report in Nature that says scientists have been underestimating the effects of flooding related to climate change. The software that made flooding estimates confused the tops of trees and buildings with ground level. Estimates of flooding were based on treetops. Corrected estimates are really scary. Mumbai, Jakarta, and Bangkok are flooding at high tide. Projections for 2050 show 150 million people will be displaced. Most of the flooding will be felt in Asia. But …
Enormous climate pressure in densely packed places destabilizes everybody everywhere, as those people struggle to find a new home. Added to other volatile ingredients like nationalism and poverty, the cocktail is explosive.
Ward quotes Cass Sunstein, who wrote in the *Columbia Law Review*:
The United States is unlikely to take significant steps to reduce greenhouse gases unless the perceived costs of risk reduction are decreased, an available incident triggers fear of significant are relatively imminent harm, sustained analysis or influential leaders suggest that Americans face serious risks, or all three.

It seems Attorney General William Barr has been investigating the investigation by seeking to overturn the conclusion of US intelligence services and the Mueller Report that Russia interfered in the 2016 presidential election. The nasty guy has reportedly requested help from intelligence officials in Britain towards that goal. Olga Lautman tweeted:
This is extremely dangerous Barr/Trump requesting info from our allies to take down our agencies. British official: "it is like nothing we have come across before, they are basically asking, in quite robust terms, for help in doing a hatchet job on their own intelligence agencies."

All to prove that Russia didn't attack us in 2016. How is Barr not being stopped? This is dangerous for our national security now because Russia has been ramping up their efforts to attack our next elections. It is also dangerous because our allies will not share critical intel.

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