Monday, July 13, 2020

Mercilessly demonized by the right-wing media machine

Will Bunch, opinion columnist for the Philadelphia Inquirer, tweeted:
We should always imagine a better world and then fight for it, which is why I find this wave of "life after COVID" think pieces to be utterly horrifying.

We need walkable cities to beat climate change.

We need LESS atomization, because social isolation inspires conspiracy theory, racism, even mass shooters.

This speculated post-COVID world of people working and going to school from home in disconnected suburbs is a straight-up dystopia

We need to beat coronavirus and build a world of community, caring.

lenfos of the Daily Kos community wrote a post saying that even if a Democrat were in the Oval Office right now the GOP would still make sure the government response to the coronavirus did not go well, certainly not as well as it has in the European Union. I mention it because even if Joe Biden takes the Oval Office in January and even if Dems hold the House and take the Senate they still won’t have smooth sailing. lenfos wrote:
Had a Democrat been in office when COVID hit, any suggestion the administration made to fight the thing would have been immediately rejected by the loudmouths of the right. They have dedicated themselves to blocking anything with a Democratic stamp of approval and that certainly would have included anti-pandemic measures like masks and lockdowns. Remember how they swore to block anything the Democrats proposed under Obama.

As a matter of fact, there's even a chance things would have gone worse under a Democratic administration. My reasoning goes like this: We can assume there were some Trump voters who paid attention to Dr. Fauci, but had he worked for a Democratic administration, he would have been mercilessly demonized by the right-wing media machine from day one.

The enemy isn't just Trump, it's the machine behind today's GOP.

Bree Newsome Bass tweeted:
It actually doesn’t make economic sense to bail out corporations instead of giving direct relief to workers & consumers who are employed by the companies. The elite choose the former b/c it maintains inequality b/w owner class & working class & makes workers rely on employers.

Think about it— you work, you earn a paycheck. Before you even get that check, the gov’t takes $$ from you. A crisis hits and instead of giving that tax $ back to you, they give it to the billion dollar corporation you work for while you get laid off. How does that make sense?

Everybody has to “pull themselves up by the bootstraps” except the wealthiest and most powerful people & institutions. They get first dibs on all the available tax $$.

Do folks really not see how the entire system is a grift and a Ponzi scheme held in place by police violence?

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