Monday, August 24, 2020

180,000 deaths is acceptable

Hunter of Daily Kos reported on a CBS poll about voter sentiments and how GOP and non GOP sentiments differ.
Republicans believe COVID-19 deaths are being exaggerated; a plurality of all voters believe it is being undercounted. And, most troubling at all, Republicans are split from the country in whether the now 180,000 United States COVID-19 deaths and rising are "acceptable."
Even a sociopath would know to at least lie, when asked whether the death of 180,000 people was a reasonable and acceptable outcome. For these voters, however, protecting conservatism, even crooked and incompetent conservatism, from the consequences of its failures is all-consuming.
The cult's extent can be gleaned from the 82% of Republicans who, when asked why they believe America is better off than four years ago, cite their own "confidence in Donald Trump."

That's it. America is doing "better" because Donald Trump is in charge, and he says so.
Because the nasty guy is in charge, because knowing the nasty guy will be there to enforce racism for them, because their racism and their place in the social hierarchy is most important to them, 180,000 deaths is acceptable.

Laura Clawson of Kos reported on the GOP platform passed by the GOP convention that started today. No, I’m not watching, though I may read a few news reports. Clawson wrote:
Instead of a platform outlining the party’s policy agenda, Republicans are just signing on for blanket support of Trump. This is it: “be it RESOLVED, That the Republican Party has and will continue to enthusiastically support the President’s America-first agenda.”

No, convention platforms are never directly translated into law, but that is nonetheless a stunning abdication of any attempt by the broader Republican Party to assert an agenda beyond Donald Trump’s passing whims.

Frank Figliuzzi, former FBI assistant director, and NBC national security contributor, tweeted:
This is no longer about politics is it? This is about fealty to and adulation of a single person. No ideas or beliefs other than his. No accountability other than to him: Republicans to forego party platform in favor of full support for Trump’s agenda.
MegaYanni clarified:
The GOP HAS a platform; it's the same one they agreed to in 2016. Not having a platform committee this year means that the 2016 platform will not be amended or altered and will remain. They did Not vote to abolish their platform.

Postmaster General Louis DeJoy went before the House Oversight and Reform Committee today. I haven’t seen a full report of the session. I did see a post by Joan McCarter of Kos reporting that Rep. Steven Lynch had to ask several times, “Will you put the high-speed machines back?” before DeJoy answered, “No, I will not.”

Before this hearing DeJoy told a Senate committee the mail hasn’t been slowed down and if it is slower, it’s due to the coronavirus. But a report released by the USPS shows DeJoy lied. The ontime delivery score is down about 10%. Also it happened in July after DeJoy was appointed, not March, so it isn’t due to the virus.

Elizabeth Warren accused DeJoy of perjury. Which would be grounds for removal if anyone in the GOP cared about such things.

A couple days ago I wrote that postal employees in a Seattle-Tacoma area reinstalled some of the fast sorting machines. Laura Clawson reports USPS workers in Maine and other places are pushing back in other ways.

Though the House held a hearing today they voted on a USPS package on Friday. It contains relief money and orders to restore the destruction DeJoy has done. Jessica Sutherland of Kos reported what is significant about this bill is that 26 GOP representatives voted for it. So maybe it might get a vote in the Senate?

That post by Sutherland also includes several photos of the protests from last Saturday. There are also more photos here.

Leah McElrath tweeted:
I just want people to be okay.
To have clean water.
To have enough food.
To have someplace to call home.
To have medical care when we’re unwell.
To have the resources to care for our children and elderly.
These are not radical desires.
These are fundamentals for a moral society.

I want a teacher as cool as these two. Ms. Williams and Ms. Evans of Monroe Comprehensive High School in Albany, Georgia star in a rap video about doing virtual school. They even had a few students as backup dancers – definitely masked. Of course the video went viral.

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