Monday, June 14, 2021

Gay love in Chile

My Sunday movie last night was The Strong Ones. It is set in southern Chile near the city of Valdivia – about 500 miles south of the capital Santiago. Yes, they spoke Spanish with subtitles in English. Lucas arrives to visit his sister. He meets Antonio who works on a fishing boat and takes part in military reenactments of when the Chileans drove the Spanish out of the local fort. They fall in love. I thought the movie was slow paced. It was also vague. Did Lucas live in Montreal, Canada, or did he just study there and now lives in Santiago? It briefly mentions disapproval of Lucas by his family – have he and they gotten over that? There seems to be difficulty between the sister and her husband, but that is only hinted at. The title (translated from Spanish) says they are strong. In what way? I didn’t see anything that required a great deal of resolve. Antonio is a friend of the sister. After he and Lucas encounter each other a few times Antonio takes Lucas back to the sister’s house. Once the car is stopped Antonio stares at Lucas for a few moments. Then Lucas leans in and suddenly there is passionate kissing. This strikes me as a bit unrealistic – not that I have much experience in these things. I found this movie while looking at the list of LGBT movies on Fandango. It was rated highly by Rotten Tomatoes, though I’ve since figured out the RT rating system is like/don’t and if all reviewers like a movie can get 100%. This is less useful than Metacritic that assigns a rating of 0-100 for each review then averages those together. But Metacritic didn’t rate this one. A little more poking around I see the Spanish title is La Fuertes and Google translates that to powerful, strong, hard, tough, robust, mighty, and intense. It also means Fort – such as the military place where the reenactments are done. There are several forts around the mouth of the Valdivia River. So – the movie title was mistranslated. Instead of implying the men were strong it implies they were keeping something in or out. Alas, the movie was too vague to capitalize on that idea.

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