Saturday, August 3, 2024

The blue wave can't be stopped unless you break the law

The July 30 episode of Gaslit Nation, hosted by Andrea Chalupa, started by saying a bit about how the 2016 election was stolen “through pumping out disinformation to suppress the vote, cyberattacks stealing sensitive data, and hacking the voting systems of all 50 states.” And they’re still following that game plan. I worked from the transcript here. Then Chalupa had clips of some recent news, such as the nasty guy saying we won’t have to vote anymore and the election theft in Venezuela. Chalupa is quite enthusiastic about our chances in defeating the nasty guy. There’s anger at the nasty guy and the Supreme Court, Democrats are getting good at a progressive infrastructure, and Gen Z is joining the voting force. It’s a massive blue wave that is unbeatable and “it can't be stopped unless you break the law.” They broke the law in 2016 (see the Mueller Report) and are working to do that again. They can’t win any other way. With the knowledge of 2016 we shouldn’t be facing that threat in 2024. But Merrick Garland is the worst guy to run the Department of Justice. And the DoJ has had institutional rot and complicity dating back to the Reagan Revolution. That paved the way to where we are now. Elections are now a war zone. Back in 2020 Sidney Powel (remember the “kraken”?) confiscated a voting machine in Georgia under the guise of looking for evidence that Biden stole the election. Republicans have now had four years of studying the software. And Fulton County, Georgia had two election cyber attacks this year. One wonders if the same software is used across the country. But no one seems to be doing much about it. Another effort, this led by a Christian Nationalist group, is to use what they call Eagle AI to flag tens of thousands of voter registrations for being fraudulent for stupid reasons. Election officials have thrown out most of the claims. But it is time that should be spent on more important threats, like cyber attacks. There are things we should be doing: Check your voter registration ahead of an election so you’re not surprised on election day. Ask your legislators, even in a “Republican hostage state,” to make a statement about how they plan to protect election integrity. As them to ask the Department of Homeland Security and DoJ to protect the election from things like Eagle AI. And we can also contact DHS and DoJ with the same message. Also put the request out on social media. Chalupa talked to Terrell Starr of the Black Diplomats podcast. If Chalupa calls him a friend, he’s one of the good guys. They talked about Ukraine and the heartbreaking interviews Starr is doing there. Then on to how easy it would be for Harris to do a fundraiser for Ukraine. Then they talked about how much better Harris would be than Biden on Israel because he clings to the status quo while Israel is becoming increasingly lawless. Supporters of Harris won’t let her cling to the status quo. She’ll be held to a higher standard. As for the Israel state propaganda they’ve conflated every critique with antisemitism, manipulation at its finest. Black people, who are sensitive to abuse of themselves and others, are going to be helping Harris get elected. She’ll have a different view of the conflict. Starr is asked why he, as a black man, goes to Ukraine. For him it is a calling. While there he realized for Ukrainians the color of their skin doesn’t make them safe. They deal with the “Russian supremacist ecosystem.” For Starr it meant a better understanding of the complex human experience. What we’ve been taught about ourselves and each other might be wrong. Starr talked about reading a thread by an Israeli citizen. He faces a real fear of being attacked because he’s Jewish. But what if his trauma and that threat of violence is manipulating him to be indifferent to the trauma of others? We need to communicate with each other about how to be better to one another. Starr said:
I think the biggest fear that a lot of these people who are manipulating hate and manipulating our historical traumas is that they realize that once we come together as human beings, then this small minority of hatemongers who are profiting off of our pain and off of our hurt, once they realize they can no longer puppeteer our fear and anxiety, they're going to be put out of business. Because all they have is hate. All they have is the ability to manipulate our anxieties. And once we come together, they will not have a job.

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