Friday, September 20, 2024

They feel like they should control the world

Kos of Daily Kos reported the nasty guy was asked how he would lower food prices. He replied he would not allow so much food to be imported from other countries. First of all, supply and demand. I learned about this in high school. Restrict the supply and the price goes up, not down. Second, a lot of our fruits and vegetables would become seasonal rather than year-round – such as blueberries, avocados, and grapes. Over half of our fruits and vegetables are imported. Also, very little coffee is grown in the US. Same with chocolate. Say goodbye to bananas and a lot of ethnic foods. The nasty guy has also talked about mass deportations of immigrants. We can ask Florida what that’s like since DeathSantis has passed a strict anti-immigrant law. Farm workers fled. Crops don’t get picked so they rot in the fields.
If Trump wants to run on “you won’t be able to find bananas,” then all the power to him. If he wants to cancel Halloween, as very little chocolate is grown in the U.S., that’s weird, but okay. At the very least, the media should cover it, not ignore it.
I mentioned yesterday that there was a second assassination attempt on the nasty guy. If you’re still interested, a pair of Associated Press articles posted on Kos (here and here) have a lot of the details. James Tees posted a cartoon by Marlette showing to boys walking home from school.
White boy: Dude, my parents are outraged that gunmen have been able to keep targeting Trump! It’s all they’ve been talking about! Black boy: Interesting... Do they get that passionate about gunmen who keep targeting us in schools?”
Daria Solovieva, in an article for Capital & Main posted on Kos discussed Silicon Valley tech leaders, cryptocurrency entrepreneurs, and venture capitalists and who they support for president. Many support Harris and many refuse to support the nasty guy. However, there are a few who do support him. Those who do support him the reasons tend to want to continue his tax cuts for the wealthy and his promise of less regulation. As billionaire entrepreneur Mark Cuban said the tech elite have, “gotten to the point now where they feel like they should control the world.” This week Kos put out a series of articles on how Harris could win big, though polls currently show a tight race. I won’t bother with the first article, which was about the numbers – poll numbers and energized voter numbers. I’ll also skip the second article, which was about how Harris has a significant get out the vote effort and the nasty guy barely has one at all. The third article (which has links to the other two) is about the nasty guy’s deficiencies. He has a lack of focus – the first debate showed how old Biden is, the second showed how old the nasty guy is. He is lying to his supporters – he keeps flipping his position on Project 2025 and abortion and IVF. His supporters can no longer trust him to do what they want done. He is falling further into conspiracies. One bit of evidence is how much he has been hanging out with conspiracy spreader Laura Loomer, which is turning off other Republicans. These are a part of the signals that could turn into a strong win for Harris as well as downballot Democrats. But it will take work. Bill in Portland, Maine, in a Cheers and Jeers column for Kos quoted late night commentary. One of them:
“For 11 years, I had the tremendous privilege of playing the lead in a comedy series called Murphy Brown. I was surrounded by brilliant and funny actors, had the best scripts to work with and, in one classic moment, my character was attacked by Vice President Dan Quayle when Murphy became pregnant and decided to raise the baby as a single mother. Oh, how far we’ve come. Today a Republican candidate for vice president would never attack a woman for having kids. So as they say, my work here is done. Meow.” —Candice Bergen, at the Emmy Awards
In the comments of a pundit roundup from Tuesday Captain Frogbert riffed on the famous poem by Martin Niemöller. He says something I concluded a few years ago.
First they came for the poll workers Then they came for the opposing candidates Then they came for the civil service workers Then they came for the judges They WILL come for the journalists They WILL come for the Democrats The stupid reality is, they WILL ALSO come for the “insufficiently loyal” Trump voters They will also come for the tech bros (just as Putin did for the oligarchs and their money) They will also come for EVERYONE, eventually Because that’s what fascists ALWAYS DO. Fascists cannot exist without an existential enemy and, as they winnow down the initially most obvious enemies, they will always, ALWAYS, eventually, COME FOR YOU.

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