Thursday, November 22, 2007

Health care for...

Three GOP prez candidates have survived cancer -- McCain, Thompson, and Giuliani. All three propose ways to increase health insurance coverage, but none of these will be of any help to other cancer survivors who have to buy individual policies. Insurance companies can reject patients that aren't healthy (and having had cancer certainly is that), or set rates so high they aren't affordable.;jsessionid=DA4DDD9F41C2938F5A874EC56739E8F0?diaryId=3727

The GOP complains about the specter of socialized, government run medicine. But we have that already. It's called Medicare. I firmly believe the solution to health care can be summed up in the phrase "Medicare for all." However, that pulls the plug on all health insurance companies and they aren't going to let go of the cow they've been milking without a big fight. Candidates aren't going to want to give up the money that comes their way from that cow.

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