Friday, November 30, 2007

We blew it

The Letters page in Newsweek (alas, no link) has reactions to the article about how 1968 was a defining year that still strongly affects the nation (certainly national politics). One letter has this idea: In 1968 we were a the cusp of real change, of ending poverty, protecting the environment, refusing war, ending racism. And we didn't. Instead, the radicals of the 60s are the establishment of today, not blinking at Cheney's request of phone records and dismissing anti-war activist Cindy Sheehan as an overwrought mom. It was all within our reach and we blew it. No wonder we're so apathetic.

1 comment:

  1. Here in Berkeley I find that everyone I meet is "progressive" or libertarian. Many people are involved in protests, ballot initiatives, campaigns, article writing...and our city is making strides in the right directions. It isn't perfect...but I don't see a complete loss of hope or fight.
