Sunday, June 29, 2008

They are definitely not Christian

Bush is credited with one diplomatic and foreign policy success -- his AIDS program. By this I think it is referring to his efforts to reduce AIDS in Africa. You would think a spending increase for this program would fly through Congress. Alas, no. Seven GOP senators disagree with the balance between two parts of the program. They want more for AIDS treatment and less for AIDS prevention. Reason? They don't want to talk about -- don't want field workers to talk about -- how gay sex affects the spread of the disease.

Now we're talking about a deadly disease here. It is very expensive to treat in America and difficult, if not impossible, to treat in the developing nations. The best way to treat AIDS is to not get it. And here we have a bunch of squeamish senators who would rather spend money on treatment than on prevention. Thousands will die from this moral rectitude. America's image gets tarnished some more. One of the seven is David "DC Madam" Vitter.

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