Thursday, April 23, 2009

Vision and compelling arguments

Jim Wallace has a response to the recent Newsweek cover article about the Decline and Fall of Christian America. Wallis is not saying Newsweek is wrong, he's saying there is another way to look at it. Some of his thoughts:
* It was a mistake for the Christian Right to politicize it's faith. They are paying for that mistake now.
* Christianity always does better in a minority position, when it is a counter-culture force instead of the dominant force. "Christian America" hasn't worked so well.
* That doesn't mean Christians shouldn't exert their influence on the social issues of the day. However, Martin Luther King made great strides, not because he could quote the bible, but because he brought a vision with compelling arguments to the public debate.
* MLK also did it without demanding everyone convert to his brand of religion. He even formed allies from other faiths and of those with no religion.
* Wallis quotes Obama's thoughts on why America can't and shouldn't be a Christian nation. Arguments that say, "Because God said so!" won't work. Religious people must argue in universal, not religious-specific, values. That's necessary for a pluralistic society. Yes, there is friction between the compromise necessary in politics and religions that don't allow for compromise.

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