Friday, January 29, 2010

Are they a teensy bit more friendly?

Are GOP views of gays softening? Timothy Kincaid offers these observations that the GOP is shifting from Official Party Positions on gays to positions held by individual GOP lawmakers:

* Obama mentioned repealing the military ban on gays in the State of the Union address and the GOP response was silent on the issue.

* The effort to impose a 10 point values test on candidates in order to get party funding has failed. The party wants to be able to run candidates in moderate and progressive areas of the country.

* Cindy and Meghan McCain, wife and daughter of the prez. candidate) participated in an ad campaign supporting gay marriage and were not loudly condemned by the party. John did go on record as disagreeing with his family.

* Only 29 legislatures have signed on to oppose gay marriage in DC.

But don't run out and vote GOP any time soon.

* GOP senators in Indiana just tried again to get a marriage amendment before the voters. It passed the senate, but the house is Dem controlled.

* In the marriage vote in New York last December the GOP was unanimously against it (though they worked real hard to be silent during debate).

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