Monday, May 17, 2010

Reconciling science and God in strange ways

My friend and debate partner wrote to me about a science article in the New York Times. The article is about the latest research in subatomic particles and the tantalizing (at least to subatomic particle researchers) question of why there is more matter than anti-matter. Before your eyes glaze over this posting is not about quark flavors and other such stuff. My friend and debate partner wrote:
Then... the last paragraph:
Joe Lykken, a theorist at Fermilab, said, "So I would not say that this announcement is the equivalent of seeing the face of God, but it might turn out to be the toe of God.”

WHAT is going ON here? Nothing that happens in science can ever get us to "God", much less God's "face" or "toe". That's religious interpretation! Of an immature sort!
Could scientists please tend to their knitting? Could someone please lift Lykken's spokesperson-to-press credentials?

I am not about to offer a defense of Lykken. My friend is right. However, a bit of insight might be useful.

A science has explained more and more things that religion used to explain (like how humans came to be) some highly religious scientists have tried to explain how God works and still be something we should believe in. I've heard about lots of miraculous healings and I believe that God plays a part in them. Now that we're understanding some atomic structure yet so much of it is still mysterious some of these religious scientists have proposed the idea that God takes advantage of atomic uncertainties to manipulate the outcomes God wants. It sounds like a lot of nonsense to me too.

All that comes down to people trying to reconcile science and religion, which is better than religion being antagonistic to science. But better yet would be not making the attempt.

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