Friday, January 4, 2013

Dance for expression

Michigan Radio did a fine segment this morning on the Ruth Ellis Center. It features the dancing the kids do in the evening. The article talks about the style of dance called "vogue" which I can see from the kitchen when I'm there every week. The article provides some background I didn't know and there is also a video of the kids in action. Another bit I didn't know is that some of the kids form into families with the older ones laying down some ground rules to help the younger ones make it into adulthood.

Practically every Wednesday that I'm there I watch one of the kids turn on the sound system at around 6:45 (the earliest they are allowed to) and many of them will begin to vogue. This is a marvelous release of energy, great exercise (many of them come to the kitchen all sweaty asking for paper towels to dry off), and a chance to uninhibitedly express themselves in a safe space. And they'll keep going until 8:45 when the sound system is turned off. Frequently, one of them will dash into the kitchen to flip the CD player forward or back to skip one song or replay another. Usually, they'll tweak the volume up a bit. I turn it down as soon as they leave. Even though the eating area is between the dance floor (where the speakers are) and me it can get so loud I can't hear the door buzzer that sounds in the kitchen. Yeah, I'm the one that checks the screen and lets them in.

I think the kids of the Center helped the staff create a marvelous Christmas/thank you card. It is a sheet of paper with three strips across it. Each strip has a simple phrase that is completed under it.
We appreciate … consistency and long-term commitment; not being afraid to get dirty (I wash the pots); your time, organization, and resourcefulness.

You taught us … the importance of regular, friendly, affirming, faces; the importance of volunteer work.

You're good at … serving with the most positive disposition; keeping things running and smooth; not being afraid to be in [a] unique / loud environment that is out of most people's comfort zones!
Great Christmas present!

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