Saturday, June 1, 2013

Making sure government can't work

The GOP has been talking about forcing the gov't to be smaller. What they mean is they believe gov't shouldn't work. To reinforce that idea they have a string of tactics to make sure gov't can't work. The latest tactic: refuse to confirm nominations to top positions, effectively putting the agency in maintenance mode. Agencies that have been affected: Environmental Protection Agency, National Labor Relations Board, State Department, Election Assistance Commission, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, Labor Dept., and Independent Payment Advisory Board (health care). See a trend here? Want to bet the agency that approves sites for oil drilling is humming along just fine?

Another part of that tactic is the refusal to confirm nominations to federal courts. The average wait for an Obama nominee is almost four times the average wait for a Bush nominee. That slows down justice in cases that deal with discrimination, civil rights, predatory lending, consumer fraud, immigration rights, environment, and government benefits. Another reason for the delay is to prevent Obama from filling courts with judges who aren't as conservative as the ones being replaced. A big example is the DC Circuit Court of Appeals -- which handles disputes between the prez. and Congress. Four vacancies on that court means it will continue to rule in favor of the GOP.

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