Saturday, November 15, 2014

That takes the cake

Since the district judge struck down the Michigan same-sex marriage ban and 300 couples got married before a stay was issued, Gov. Rick Snyder has been saying yeah, those marriages are legal, but the state isn't going to recognize them or provide any benefits. Now that the 6th Circuit overturned the district court and upheld the ban Snyder says, "it is as if the marriages never existed." Sweet guy.

Now that the Michigan legislature is heading into its lame-duck session (and the GOP is contemplating all kinds of mischief) there has been talk of finally adding sexual minorities to the state's civil rights act. Well, some sexual minorities. There's lots of resistance to adding transgender people. I've been getting emails from gay rights organizations saying they will oppose the inclusion of gays, lesbians, and bisexuals in the law if transgender people are excluded.

The civil rights bill has brought out a companion bill – a Religious Freedom Act which would allow people to discriminate (violate the civil rights law) against gay people if not discriminating violates religious beliefs. See, we're not supposed to discriminate against religious beliefs either. We need balance.

Commenter Joel summarized it this way:
I cannot understand the cognitive dissonance required to both want to protect a gay person's right to buy a cake and a bigot's right not to make a cake for that gay person.

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