Thursday, January 3, 2019

False modesty, fraudulent piety, mendacious purity

Melissa McEwan of Shakesville has noted a conflict in current progressive thinking.
On the one hand, lots of lefties imagine that Bob Mueller is going to save us by personally frog-marching Trump out of the White House, but, on the other hand, they're simultaneously anticipating that Trump will be the nominee in 2020.
And running against the nasty guy will be quite different than running against the vice nasty guy. For example, Bernie Sanders looks reasonable when running against the nasty guy. But the VNG will look reasonable compared to Bernie. McEwan expands:
Where Trump is all bombast and braggadocio, Pence is all affected humility and false modesty. Where Trump wears his malice on his sleeve, Pence conceals his malice behind a delicate veil of fraudulent piety. Where Trump blasts vulgarity, Pence softly transmits mendacious purity. Where Trump is a one-man-band of obscene self-congratulation, Pence is a snake quietly slithering through the grass, hoping to arrive unannounced at the seat of power.
McEwan says she doesn’t expect the nasty guy to be forced out of office. She can’t envision a scenario in which both the nasty guy and the VNG are forced out. So, even though the chance might be small, the Democrats can’t assume who their opponent will be.

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