Sunday, January 27, 2019

They don't like government

I’ve written before one of the big purposes of the government of a sound democracy is protecting the little guy from the big guy. I wrote about that when I reviewed the departments of the federal government when they were first endangered two years ago.

In a Twitter thread Jeff McFadden expands on that idea:
The government is the referee in society. The government's main job is to protect the weak from the strong, the unarmed from the armed, owners from thieves, eaters and drinkers from poisoners.
Many industries are (more) profitable because they can poison air and water, let someone else clean up after them, rig the financial system to cheat, and make sure they and their competitors pay nobody a living wage.
When your income stream is derived from destroying the planet, the atmosphere, the biosphere, society and any shred or memory of fairness, it behooves you to see to it that there is no referee. The government was the referee

I hope you don't believe that the month-long shutdown was about a wall. It was not about a wall. The month-long shutdown permanently weakened "the administrative state." It gave organized crime, which literally does include so-called legitimate industry, a huge head start.

What we call "organized crime" sells you drugs, hookers, and gambling. What we call "legitimate business" pollutes your air, your water, poisons your children and old people, and steals your wildlife. They sell you guns.
There. Is. No. Difference.
They don't like government.

Do you know why they could pull off the longest shutdown in history? Because they have spent 39 years convincing the not-very-smart and the I-love-the-poorly-educated that government is their enemy. So sure, shut it down. It ain't no good to me.

And we played right into their hands. We usually do. We talked about the "800,000 people not getting paid." And they said, "Fuck them. They work for the government. They're a bunch of free-loaders who don't do anything for anybody."

We have a giant uphill battle on our hands, should we choose to engage it. We have to sell the concept that government is good, to a huge voting public who is positive that government is their worst enemy.
It's not just Trumpov. He's a pissant, a small time mobster. He's just there to piss you off. And he's good at it. But. An entire, corrupt, whole worldwide organization is what stole your country. They're smart, they're ruthless, and they're winning. Notice them. Stop them.

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