Thursday, February 21, 2019

Endless emergency

Sarah Kendzior, as part of her Gastlit Nation podcast says the national emergency (which isn’t) came with more than we’ve been told. She tweeted:
The national emergency gives Trump the ability to use an internet kill switch, to shut down citizens’ bank accounts, to deploy troops to attack protesters. There’s no end to the national emergency because it’s tied to his fantasy wall.
I didn’t know the internet had a kill switch. I thought it had too many pieces built by too many companies for that. Besides, I would think the big media players would get quite annoyed at their loss of income and influence.

However, I can see since it would take a really long time to build the wall the national “emergency” would also last a really long time.

Melissa McEwan of Shakesville adds:
In other words: Trump has achieved the means to swiftly and effectively quash any mass protests that might happen in response to Mueller's investigation being shut down.

It has never been, not really, about building a wall, but about building the foundations of autocratic rule.

Kendzior adds:
People have normalcy bias. They assume that if it's really as bad as what we've been saying, that someone will intervene. That's been one of the most dangerous assumptions of this entire crisis.

Contact your representatives and say you want hearings. Not because impeachment will happen, but because it will get information out there.

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