Thursday, February 7, 2019

New grotesqueries will be revealed

Melissa McEwan of Shakesville comments on those who think the various investigations into the nasty guy will be a show worthy of popcorn. This is not entertainment. The nasty guy won’t go easily. The various government agencies are already in a shambles. The idea that the vice nasty guy will also be booted is fantasy. There will be massive upheaval.

In addition, as McEwan has said many times, the nasty guy isn’t a GOP aberration, he is the GOP endgame. That plan was certainly sped up by the nasty guy, but their annihilation of democracy doesn’t need him.

McEwan concludes:
And then there is this chilling reality: The subterranean internecine struggle between the anti-democratic dominionists [extreme religious right] and the anti-democratic oligarchs is going to be horrendous to live through.

And guess who's figured out how to marry those forces? Putin.

Which is why he's courting both sides in the U.S.

So whoever wins will be beholden to him.

And so will whoever loses.
We must keep fighting to remove the nasty guy. But if he goes new grotesqueries will be revealed.

Sarah Kendzior understands what has happened to our government. She hears the call for an “inspiring” leader of the Democrats to be the next president. But she has different criteria:
I also look at the 2020 winner as someone who will be shoveling the US out from under a massive pile of shit for the entirety of their term. I don't care if they are fun or pleasant or charismatic. I care whether they remove the massive pile of shit.

Here’s a quote from the latest episode of Kendzior’s podcast Gaslit Nation:
The GOP is the party of death. They want to take away our healthcare. They threaten children who come to the border fleeing war with death. They want to continue killing the planet. The GOP today stands for nothing but death.
You can listen to the episode here.

And why are they the party of death? Part of it is supremacy – I get to live and you don’t. Part of it is what I wrote about last week, that the rich think their chances of survival go up if they allow global warming kill off the rest of us.

The nuclear weapons deterrence is based on MAD – mutually assured destruction. If you use nukes against us we will make sure you are also destroyed. That has worked for about 60 years. But will that same deterrence work against the rich? That idea prompted this from Kendzior:
What if a group of autocrats and plutocrats -- many already of an apocalyptic bent -- believed that a depopulated earth would be easier to manage during the climate crisis, and embraced accelerationalism while building ways to insulate themselves? Just throwing it out there.

What if this wealthy group of resource-hoarders have neither baseline respect for human life nor a traditional sense of the future, but instead viewed the future as a endangered commodity? A commodity that only a chosen few -- them -- deserve. What would they do differently?

Ian Bremmer shares a tweet of a president who has successfully built a wall. Alas, the photo doesn’t show the president’s head so we can’t see that it’s Jimmy Carter. The wall he is standing beside is a part of a Habitat for Humanity House. Such a profound difference between Carter and the nasty guy.

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