Saturday, January 13, 2018

Half the story

We’ve been hearing several news stories of big corporations announcing that because of the big tax cut law see what we’re doing for our employees! Be highly skeptical. They are, after all, praising a GOP law. Parker Molloy used Twitter to show a couple examples of the half of the story these corporations have mostly kept out of the spotlight.

* Walmart issues big bonuses and raises its minimum pay to $11/hour! Sam’s Club, a subsidiary, closed dozens of stores and laid of thousands of workers. Walmart is laying off thousands of co-managers. The Walmart bonuses only go to employees with 20 or more years of service. And that pay raise is only because Target increased pay to its workers. And if your state already mandates at least $11/hour you won’t see anything more.

* Comcast handed out $1000 bonuses! Comcast laid off hundreds of workers just before Christmas. AT&T did the same – both bonuses and layoffs.

And all those people laid off from such places there is no such thing a severance pay.

One reply to Molloy said, “It's almost like these companies are participating in a massive PR effort to convince people corporate tax cuts are good, and the media is willingly going along with it.”

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