Friday, October 19, 2018

Mysterious blog stuff

Blogger, which hosts this blog, has a feature of emailing posts to a list of people. I found last night that the list was less than half the size I had set it to. I sent an email to all those people last night. To those in the list I asked if they were still getting posts. To those who had been dropped I sent a note that I had put them back on and they could read missed posts online.

My brother offered a clue about what may have happened.

About three weeks ago I got an email saying if I wanted to keep getting email notifications of comments to my blog (though they are rare) I needed to click on a button in the email. This seemed like a scam, that someone was phishing for personal information. Why did Blogger need to ask? Why did they decide if I didn’t click on the button they would terminate the sending of comments? Why were they doing this now, when the blog had been around and actively in use for more than a decade? It didn’t make sense. So I didn’t click.

My brother forwarded an email he got from Blogger asking him whether he wanted to continue receiving posts by email. He clicked on “maintain subscription” and continued to receive my posts.

So it is possible to all of you who were dropped that you also got such an email. It is also possible you or your computer considered it junk, spam, or dangerous. It is also possible you had the same thought I did that it was strange and likely bogus.

I am annoyed with Blogger for doing this. And I’ve told them so. They ask for feedback. I don’t know if giving it makes any difference.

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