Saturday, October 6, 2018

The Supreme Court matters to us

Between the Lines, Michigan’s LGBT newspaper, explains why the Supreme Court matters to us. Of course, it matters to us because of the general harm conservatives want to wreak on society, but it also matters to us directly. There are a few cases that might get to the court this year or next. These are cases about:

Whether a person can be fired from a job for being LGBT. There is no federal law explicitly saying such firings are illegal. Rulings up to now are based on the Title VII part of the Civil Rights Act banning discrimination based on sex.

Whether a person or same-sex couple can be refused service in a place of business.. The Masterpiece Cakeshop was decided on a technicality, so other businesses are lining up to take a whack at state civil rights laws. Jack of Masterpiece Cakeshop is back in court – Autumn Scardina asked for a cake pink on the inside and blue on the outside to mark the anniversary as coming out as transgender and he refused.

There are still transgender people in the military because the case is still in District Court. You can be sure if the nasty guy loses there the vice nasty guy will appeal all the way to the Supremes.

A second Between the Lines article reports the latest polling on how America views LGBT issues.

A year ago people people were strongly (53-41%) against whether a business could refuse service to LGBT customers if it was based on religious grounds. Alas, now that has changed to a bit less than a tie (46-48%). We’ve lost ground.

Yet the same survey showed support for same-sex marriages is at a high at 64%, support for the Supreme Court ruling that gave the right to marry is at 62%, and support for general laws that protect the LGBT community is at 71%

Interesting that a good chunk of the public doesn’t match up laws that protect us with businesses wanting religious exemptions. That’s exactly the kind of thing we need protection from.

BtL has strong endorsements for statewide races. It also has a progressive voter guide for candidates for Congress and state legislature and even a few county races.

Gov. / Lt. Gov.: Whitmer/Gilchrist

US Senate: Debbie Stabenow

State Attorney General: Dana Nessel

Secretary of State: Jocelyn Benson. I did a presentation about gerrymandering at the Livonia Democratic Club on Thursday evening. Benson was also a speaker, saying why she is ready to be SoS and how she’ll protect rights and voters. She will be a good one.

Yes, a good chunk of the Democrat slate is female. It also includes a lesbian in Nessel.

I’ll let you see the endorsements for state Board of Education and university trustees at the voter guide.

Justices for the State Supreme Court: Sam Bagenstos and Megan Cavanaugh. Note that Megan is not related to and is in no way like Brett. BtL has done profiles of both of these potential justices. Bagenstos has an LGBT child (who he loves!). Cavanaugh has long supported LGBT issues.

Btl endorses all three of the statewide proposals. At the Democratic Club on Thursday I heard one person talk about marijuana legalization for recreational use, a carefully crafted proposal, and another talk about promote the vote – a package of seven ways to make voting in Michigan easier. And I gave the talk on gerrymandering. So, yes on all three.

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